Sunderland Echo

Don’t submit to bullying


I must respond to Alan Wright’s recent letter (Echo, January 18) regarding Brexit. I was one of the 48.1% who voted Remain in the EU referendum. However, I accept the result, that the UK will be leaving the EU and the Single Market.

That said, I refuse to be bullied by Brextremis­ts such as Mr Wright and his ilk, who seem to believe that the 48.1% aren’t allowed to voice any opinions on how we exit the EU. To cow down to such bullying would be tantamount to giving in to fascism. We live in a democracy and it is only right and proper that we have a debate (preferably civilised) on the terms on our divorce from the EU.

As I said, I accept that we will leave the Single Market, I do not accept that we must necessaril­y leave the Customs Union, however. There are many other details of our divorce that must also be negotiated and that is only right and proper.

Mr Wright may not worry or care about the potential adverse effects of a hard Brexit and the damage that that could do to our economy and in Sunderland, Nissan in particular. Councillor Peter Wood and I clearly do and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Mr Wright could do with tempering his Hard Right political ideology and listen to the worries of North East businesses, particular­ly those who export to Europe. Rod Hepplewhit­e, Hastings Hill via email

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