Sunderland Echo

Carer ‘feared for her life’ during attack

- By Gavin Ledwith Twitter: @sunderland­echo

A drunken thug who launched a terrifying attack on his disabled sister’s carer has been put behind bars.

John Quinn thought the worker had not spent enough time with his sibling at the family home so assaulted her then followed her to a nearby house and smashed his way in while armed with a knife.

The 29-year-old attacker, who has a long record for violence, carrying weapons and issuing threats, left the woman, who is in her early 20s, in fear for her life.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the carer had gone to Quinn’s family home in Castletown, Sunderland, twice in one day in May last year and noticed he was “drunk”.

It was when she was due to leave after the second visit that Quinn snapped.

Prosecutor Emma Dowling said: “She was trying to do her job at the time. It is a vulnerable occupation, to go into people’s houses to look after their family.”

Miss Dowling added: “He was accusing her of not looking after his sister property, he pushed her in the shoulder then prevented her from leaving the kitchen.”

The court heard Quinn was pulled away by his father, but then followed the carer outside and tried to pull her from her car.

The woman managed to get away to a nearby relation’s house, but the court heard Quinn had followed.

Miss Dowling said: “Quinn appeared outside of the address.

“He approached the front of the property and they could see at this stage he had a knife in his hand and was throwing plant pots at the living room window.”

The court heard Quinn eventually smashed a front window and started climbing into the house, still carrying the knife, which forced the occupants to flee out of the back.

Quinn then started throwing rock satan 87- year-old neighbour’s house, who fortunatel­y was not home.

The carer told police she was “in fear for her life” during the ordeal, which made her shaken and scared.

Qu inn, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to cause criminal damage, criminal damage, common assault, having a bladed article and affray.

Mr Recorder Richard Woolfall sentenced him to three years and two months behind bars with a restrainin­g order to keep him away from the carer in future.

Vic Laffey, defending, said Quinn is the father to a five-month-old baby who he has not yet met due to being held on remand.

Mr Laffey said the birth has prompted Quinn to address his issues and look to a positive, trouble-free future.

“They could see at this stage he had a knife in hishand”


 ??  ?? John Quinn has been jailed three years for an attack on his disabled sister’s carer.
John Quinn has been jailed three years for an attack on his disabled sister’s carer.

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