Sunderland Echo



ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20 Going to a party will be much more fun than you expect. Not only will you have some interestin­g conversati­ons, but you’ ll make new friends. Someone whose background is radically different from your own will poke fun at your assumption­s. You’ ll find these jokes delightful. Your ability to laugh at yourself will be the foundation for a strong-friendship.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21 You’re ambitious, shrewd and practical. Let these qualities catapult you to greater career success. If you have an idea for a business, now is the time to approach investors. Several financial backers will make this dream come true. Has an excellent position recently become available? Be sure to apply for it. Carefully prepare for the interview.

GEMINI May 22 – June 21 Gaining expert knowledge of a subject will open the door to a powerful partnershi­p. Someone who admires your attention to detail will ask to team up with you. This alliance will serve you well. While you focus on doing research, your other half will keep the big picture in mind.

CANCER June 22 – July 23 You’ll uncover helpful facts. Being able to make an informed financial decision will pay off handsomely. This is a good time to assemble an investment portfolio, open a savings account or buy a home. Diversity is your friend, whether you are buying stocks or moving to another neighbourh­ood.

LEO July 24 – Aug 23 Working with a partner will be gratifying. It will be a relief to hand unpleasant tasks to your helpmate. You’re better at focusing on creative aspects of the job, while they prefer dealing with financial matters. While they’re aggressive­ly cutting deals, you’ll be busy developing products and services.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23 This is a good time to perfect a first draft. You’ll be able to cut away any material that is weighing down the project. The result will be a sleek, streamline­d piece of work that is highly successful. Have you been looking for a job? Take this opportunit­y to revamp your CV. A few minor adjustment­s will result in a slew of offers.

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23 You’re totally focused on getting what you want. This single-minded energy makes doors swing open that were previously sealed shut. If you’ve been trying to win someone’s heart, you’ll make more progress than you have in the past. It’s a matter of learning what interests the object of your affection.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22 Something you’ve been trying to remember for the past few days will occur to you while performing a routine task. Be sure to write down this memory before it slips out of your consciousn­ess again. Your recollecti­on is the seed to a highly profitable business. People will delight in getting a taste of the past.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22 This is a terrific time to sign a contract or enter into a formal agreement. If you’re not happy with the terms you are initially presented, make a counter offer. After pressing a little, you’ll get everything you want. Your optimism will win over even the toughest negotiator.

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20 A moneymakin­g idea is worth pursuing. Having another source of income will allow you to ride out economic challenges. Creating an app or Internet subscripti­on service will give you a new lease of life. You’ll enjoy innovative ways to deliver informatio­n to people who are on the move.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19 You’re decisive and competitiv­e. This gives you an edge over rivals who aren’t sure what they want. Not only are you focused on your goal, but you know exactly how you will achieve it. Working with a group of adventurou­s people will be helpful. Instead of opposing your suggestion­s, they’ll enthusiast­ically back them.

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