Sunderland Echo




ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

Your ideas are too radical for some people. Although you know your proposals have a great deal of promise, you won’ t be able to convince your boss of their merit. Instead of wasting valuable time, turn your attention to more rewarding pursuits. Meet friends fordinner,planaparty­orbookahol­iday.It’shardtobea­ngrywhen you’ re busy doing something fun.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

Convention­al wisdom has not worked well for you. It’s time to try some alternativ­e methods, even if it means being teased. There are so many ways to approach wellness. Instead of taking a lot of medication, you may prefer to get acupressur­e treatments. Rather than undergoing therapy, you could practice relaxation techniques.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

GEMINI May 22 – June 21

You don’t feel comfortabl­e with someone who is always asking probing questions. If this nosy parker isn’t deterred by your noncommitt­al responses, tell them to back off in no uncertain terms. You shouldn’t feel obligated to be polite to someone who clearly does not care about your boundaries.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

CANCER June 22 – July 23

It devastates you when your best friend or romantic partner takes you for granted. You work so hard to help them, but your contributi­ons are often overlooked. It’s time to draw attention to everything you’ve been doing. If you’re still met with indifferen­ce, it may be time to move on to greener pastures.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

LEO July 24 – Aug 23

Work is taking a toll on your health. You must slow down for the sake of your wellbeing. If this means taking a few days off or reducing your hours, so be it. Part of the problem is that a lot of people have no idea how many projects you’ve been juggling. That’s because you project an air of calm and grace, regardless of how many deadlines you’re facing.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23

You’re struggling with a creative block. Rather than digging in your heels, move your focus to mundane chores. A breakthrou­gh will occur while you’re washing dishes or chopping vegetables. It will be such a relief to hit upon this solution. Working around a tight budget will be more fun than expected.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23

A restrictiv­e family belief is making you unhappy. It’s time to formulate your own moral code. You don’t have to make a big announceme­nt; simply quietly change course. Eventually, your relatives will notice you no longer conduct your life according to their principles. When they confront you about it, you shouldn’t be defensive.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22

Beware of saying things you don’t mean. You tend to deliver stinging words when you’ve been hurt. This can make a bad situation worse. If someone criticises you unfairly, breathe deep. Wait a full day before responding to their remarks. Your diplomatic answer will impress people who were expecting a fight. It will also be empowering.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22

Money is tight, so watch your spending. You long to buy a loved one an expensive gift, but now is not the time. By conserving your resources, you’ll be able to cover a big expense. Having a functional car or computer is critical. There will be plenty of time to splash out on luxury goods later.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20

Your forbidding attitude towards a relative is causing resentment. Instead of criticisin­g your loved one’s every move, adopt a detached stance. Let them make their own mistakes and accept the consequenc­es for them. Instead of giving financial support, tell them to earn their own money.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

Bombarding yourself with fearful thoughts and self-criticism will make you lose ground. Cultivate a more positive outlook. This can be done by surroundin­g yourself with optimists. When you’re around people who expect the best, that’s what you will attract. Has social media dampened your spirit? Delete these apps and see what happens.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20

Friends are pressuring you to take a certain path. Turn a deaf ear to these people. You’ve been blessed with extraordin­ary gifts. Therefore, you can’t expect to lead an ordinary life. Feel free to pursue a moneymakin­g idea that fills you with excitement. Launching a new product or service will greatly improve your income.

Tel: 0905 506 6418

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