Sunderland Echo

Back to healthy eating and exercise


If you’ve been indulging too muchthroug­houtthesum­mer holidays you may be tempted to go to extreme measures to undo the damage, but the truth is a few smart, reasonable adjustment­s you can actually stick with, can get you back in shape in no time.

Here’s how to get started:

You don’t need to get back from a holiday and “work off ” what you ate.

You don’t need to do twohour cardio sessions. You don’t need to have negative thoughts about how you should have done things differentl­y.

There is absolutely nothing positive that will come of this way of thinking.

Just get back into your old workout routine as soon as possible and get into a positive frame of mind. a bad mood and maybe even make your behaviour spiral out of control and send you into a binge.

You know how you feel and how your clothes fit, weighing yourself only to find out you’ve “gained” five pounds on vacation will do no good.

If you do get weighed, keep in mind, most of the “weight” you gain will be in the form of water weight.

Each day, eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and eat again every three to five hours.

Starting your day with a healthy meal and enjoying evenly spaced meals will maximize your metabolism, regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels, and level out your appetite.

I know it may be tempting to cut way back, but starving yourself completely backfires.

Eating too little forces your body to switch into conservati­on mode and burn fewer calories, which means you’re more likely to hang onto body fat.

And under-eating can cause your body to break down muscle mass for fuel, which also causes a metabolic slow down.

Unless you want to wind up thinner but flabbier, eating enough and at regular times is key.

Water does support optimal metabolism and some research shows it may naturally curb your appetite, but it can also help you feel better fast.

Drinking more water flushes out excess sodium to help you quickly de-bloat, and it gets things moving in your diself gestive system to relieve constipati­on.

Aim for two to two and a half litres a day. Cutting out carbs completely can force your body to burn protein for fuel instead of using it to support and maintain your calorie-burning muscle.

So instead of cutting carbs out, just cut back.

Pair veggies and lean protein with a small amount of a healthy fat and a small serving of whole grains.

I recommend aiming for 100g of veggies, three ounces or a 85g of a lean protein such as tofu, beans, fish or poultry, 120g of a whole grain such as quinoa, barley or wild rice, and a little bit of healthy fat like extra-virgin olive oil, chopped avocado, or sliced almonds. The sooner you get back into a workout routine the better.

However, don’t burn yourin out at the start. You don’t need to workout for hours on end, and you certainly don’t need to workout every day of the week.

Start with short workouts, three to four times a week, and then build it up as you improve your fitness again.

I have an online fitness programme starting on September 3 – The 14-Day Shred.

It’s best known for getting people quick results, in order to get them back on track after a dip in motivation.

And this one is absolutely perfect for people who want to get back on track after the summer holidays.

Whether you’ve been on holiday and gained a few lbs, or you’re out of routine with the kids being off school, or you’ve simply indulged in too much food and alcohol over the summer, then this programme will get you back on the wagon!

During the 14 days you will get your blood sugar levels under control, start burning body fat and feel less bloated, your clothes will fit better and you’ll be full of energy, and it will help change your mindset and get you more focused on your goals than ever before. This is what you get ... Meal Plans – designed to fuel your body, increase your energy and get you burning body fat.

Shopping Lists – already done for you to save you time.

Recipes – easy to follow and require less than 20 minutes prep time.

Workouts – The daily workouts are very short (10 minutes) but target all of the main areas where you hold on to stubborn fat.

Accountabi­lity and Motivation – you’ll be in a group with other people doing these meal plans at the same time which gives you extra motivation.

Support – you’ll get access to the private group on Facebook, where all of the content is delivered.

I’ll be there throughout the programme to support you whenever you need it.

For more info go to www.

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