Sunderland Echo

Don’t miss out on stories


Young people have given up reading books, at least physical ones and are now getting their stories from twitter and Facebook – or at least 140 characters of the story.

There are a number of great stories that they may potentiall­y miss out on, so some 140 character summaries are provided below so that they can decide what stories may be worth following up with.

Romeo and Juliet – a couple of kids in love stuff up.

Moby Dick – a dude goes fishing.

Dracula – an old dude sucks.

Lord of the Flies – kids don’t always play nice.

Hamlet – every family has a few problems.

Frankenste­in – don’t do surgery at home.

Les Misérables – a very long story about a guy who is wrongly jailed and ends up a good guy.

Tell your children that the story of their lives should take more than 140 characters to tell. Dennis Fitzgerald

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