Sunderland Echo

Inspiring slimmer loves life


- By Sophie Brownson Twitter: @sbrownsonj­p

An inspiring slimmer who piled on the pounds after tragically losing her husband says she is able to love life again after shedding more than four stones.

Linda Hall, 69, from Murton, lost weight and found a healthier lifestyle after being shocked in to action by seeing a photograph of herself.

She hads sadly lost husband Bob just 18 months before in July 2015, aged 77. The couple had been married for 44 years.

In the months that followed, Linda had found herself slipping into unhealthy habits, leading her to gain the weight.

She said: “I came to a crossroad in my life in January 2017. I had been a widow for 18 months and during that time had eaten everything and anything.

“I think I lived on takeaways and pies. I had no routine for eating, it was anytime and anything.”

She continued: “My niece visited in early January and I had my photograph taken with her little boy Joey.

“Seeing that photo made me so determined to slim down and be healthy.”

Linda’s weight was also putting a huge strain on her health and she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

She was referred by her GP to her local Slimming World group, run by consultant Sarah Dickinson.

Sarah gave her advice on how to make changes in her lifestyle so she could still enjoy the foods she loved.

Now Linda has gone from weighing 14st 11lb to 10st 7lb – losing a total of 4st 4lb.

At her heaviest she was a size 24, but is now a slim size 12.

On her incredible transforma­tion, Linda said: “I made sure I went to group every single week.”

Now Linda is also more active and regularly walks four miles a day, visits the gym, goes swimming and takes part in indoor bowls.

Sarah, who runs the Murton Slimming World groups, said: “The changes we’ve seen in Linda are incredible.”

The Murton group now meets at Holy Trinity Church, 10-11 Church Lane, Murton, on Wednesdays at 5pm and 7pm, and also on Thursdays at 9.30am, 5pm and 7pm.

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Linda Hall, before and after losing more than four stones.
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