Sunderland Echo

Government not helping


Well the residents of planet earth have had a final warning.

Not from me but all the scientists who have been observing the ever increasing change in the climate, and it is in their opinion man made.

And if we don’t do something soon to try to reverse it our children’s futures are at stake.

I’m astounded the press and the television networks haven’t given this warning the headlines it deserves.

Theresa May outlined in her manifesto what the Government’s intentions were towards climate change and how important it was to her personally.

But just like everything she proposes I’m afraid they are just empty words and failed promises.

The new Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove, said by 2025 he will have banned cotton buds, and new home owners will be allowed to take home reusable items from council dumps. Well float my boat. The planet is dying and this is the best they can come up with.

In 2015 this Government cancelled new onshore wind projects, scrapped zero and carbon homes policy,

In 2016 it ended support for new solar energy projects.

In 2017 it sold off the green investment bank, and this year forced fracking on local communitie­s, that has already caused seven minor earthquake­s in Yorkshire.

If we don’t act soon they will be fracking up here.

The Government has also recently cancelled all incentives to get people to buy electric cars, a massive blow up here for the people and our main employer, Nissan.

This is the real green Tories.

Let’s get rid of them before they get rid of our planet. Ged Taylor

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