Sunderland Echo

Story with a happy ending...


The story of Miles McBurnie’s brush with death is both harrowing and heartwarmi­ng in equal measure.

As we reveal today, Miles is well on the road to recovery as his beaming smile shows.

But it was a different story 12 months ago when his happy home was turned upside down by a huge blaze.

While his older brother managed to escape the flames, Miles, aged just 18 months, was trapped upstairs.

His parents Lorna and Adam tried desperatel­y to reach their boy, but were forced back by the billowing smoke.

That this story has a happy ending is all down to the bravery and expertise of our firefighte­rs.

Rescue teams from Marley Parks, Farringdon and Sunderland Central fire stations descended on the burning building to pluck Miles to safety. These firefighte­rs performed CPR on the youngster for 10 minutes.

It must have been the most harrowing 10 minutes of the family’s lives.

The heartwarmi­ng side of this traumatic episode are the photograph­s of Miles today and the words of gratitude from the family for the support they’ve received from the community and the bravery of the officers who saved his life.

As grandmothe­r Ann tells us today: “You can rebuild a house but you can’t rebuild a life.”

It’s something that the Government should bear in mind when they propose yet more fire service cuts.

The last word on the firefighte­rs should go to Anne, when she says: “It just shows you the heart and soul of the firefighte­rs who aren’t just doing their job, they have families themselves and they are just absolutely amazing.”

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