Sunderland Echo

It’s time to resolve this political fiasco


months of precious negotiatio­n time by calling a General Election last year and, in the end, has presented a flawed Withdrawal Agreement.

It is an agreement so damaging that her own MPs are prepared to vote against it.

It would make Britain poorer and threaten jobs and security.

It is a deal I could not, and would not, have voted for.

Worryingly, time is running out for our firms to adapt to any deal.

Indeed, the North East Chamber of Commerce has stated the ‘endless uncertaint­y is stifling opportunit­y, investment and employment’.

Just this week the Office for National Statistics reported there has been a 0.9% decline in manufactur­ing in recent months, as well as a 6.6% decline in the automotive sector.

However, when I questioned the Treasury minister on Tuesday about what is being done to provide the certainty businesses need to invest, as well as future job security, he offered little help or hope.

In addition to this, the Government continues to threaten the country with a No Deal Brexit.

This would be catastroph­ic for the UK – disrupting or blocking supply chains on foods and vital medicines.

This is why I believe we must have a People’s Vote on the deal.

If there is no majority in the House of Commons on this issue, then I believe it is legitimate to put the question back to the people.

A Hard Brexit or a No Deal Brexit are not credible options. It is time for the Government to take steps towards resolving this political fiasco – rather than just delaying matters yet again until it is too late.

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Theresa May discussing her Brixit deal.
Prime Minister Theresa May discussing her Brixit deal.

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