Sunderland Echo




1. You don't get cross when you get one (4) 3. The bus decor becomes hidden (8) 8. As well as a London orchestra (4) 9 and 20Ac. Sum to do in per cent to work it out (8,8) 11. Lost me cash in terrible contraptio­ns (4,8) 13. Father's attempt to make dough... (6) 14. ...or bits cooked in a small restaurant (6) 17. The government representa­tive got in a flap over Ray and the police force (12) 20. See 9 Across 21. To return to the man (4) 22. Normal procedure used for skipping? (3,5) 23. It's a long walk from the theatre, kids! (4)


1. Strange patterns in the wing of a church (8) 2. Convention­s where you may make a declaratio­n (7) 4. An ornamental clasp and two rings found in a British Church (6) 5. Being impulsive, write a hundred credit notes on an Italian island (10) 6. Itinerary for the tour around the East (5) 7. Terribly odd love-bird (4) 10. One more Paris performanc­e arranged by the theatrical producer (10) 12. It shouldn't be used as a blotter (4,4) 15. Driven to tears by a domestic appliance (7) 16. False lashes can give trouble (6) 18. Improper treatment of 6 down? (5) 19. The main point of registrati­on (4)


1. Principal (4) 3. Send (8) 8. Wealthy (4) 9. Facing (8) 11. Intimates (5,7) 13. Strait (6) 14. Suppose (6) 17. Scornful (12) 20. Schoolmast­erly (8) 21. Member (4) 22. Blackened (8) 23. Stake (4)


1. Dying (8) 2. Tooth (7) 4. Send out (6) 5. Inclinatio­n (10) 6. Attempted (5) 7. Lean (4) 10. Significan­ce (10) 12. Judicious (8) 15. Ideal (7) 16. Referee (6) 18. Command (5) 19. Hurried (4)

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