Sunderland Echo

A Beam of positive light...


“It’s more than just a building,” says Simon Doody “it’s the sign of a city which is reinventin­g itself from a postindust­rious behemoth to a dynamic, forward-thinking city of the future...”

As the man who has designed the first new building on the old Vaux site, Simon certainly talks a good game.

His vision for The Beam, Sunderland’s newest business landmark, is certainly something special.

And if it delivers, all the better.

The naysayers will put the boot in, but at least we are seeing progress on a site that has been a wasteland for too long.

Instead of artist impression­s and empty words, we can look at a solid physical building that will soon be open for business in a key part of our city.

And Mr Doody’s descriptio­n of this building gives an insight into the thought that has gone into its constructi­on. Those sympatheti­c to the community’s rich history will approve.

Simon tells us: “The Beam has been meticulous­ly designed to pay homage to the city’s culture, from the Wearmouth Bridge to the city’s maritime and lighting heritage.”

Everything from the position of the building and its proximity to the bridge to the colour of the materials used and views from the windows reflect the city’s maritime heritage.

Of course, others will see just a big empty office block ... each to his own.

What really matters is getting the businesses in and thriving.

But it is heartening to see the site progressin­g at a pace and the positive vibes emanating from everyone involved.

We like the sound of Simon’s ‘forward thinking city of the future’ ... Beam us up, Doody!

 ?? By Richard Ord ??
By Richard Ord

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