Sunderland Echo

Dog slashed in city centre knife attack

- By Sue Kirby Twitter: @sunderland­echo

A police probe has been launched after a beloved dog was slashed in the face as it tried to protect from its owner a knifeman in Sunderland city centre.

Narni was left with head injuries after she jumped in front of owner Gary Nichols when he was threatened with a knife.

She was rushed to the PDSA hospital for emergency treatment, where she was sedated and spent two days.

Gary had been to visit his friends at Happier Days for Strays charity in Hylton Road when he was approached by a male while walking through the centre, near The Fire Station at around 6.30pm last Monday.

The 48-year-old said: “I don’t know what I would have done without her. I was so scared of losing her.

“When I saw all the blood I panicked and brought her straight home. I tried everything I could to stop the bleeding but it was just too deep. I was just in shock.

“I thought I was losing her, I honestly did.”

Narni was kept in the hospital overnight and owner Gary said he ‘didn’t sleep a wink’ with worry a he spent his first night apart from Narni since she was six months old.

“On the second day when we picked her up, I was so pleased to get her home to me”, he added.

“I didn’t sleep the night before, not one wink.

Narni was released from the animal hospital last Wednesday morning with medication.

Michelle Imeson, who works for the animal char- ity, said they had previously fostered four-year-old Narni and Gary’s other dog, tenyear-old Jack Russell, Lucky, when Gary was homeless and taken into hospital.

The charity has helped Gary back on his feet and he and his pets now live happily together in a flat in the city.

Michelle said: “The injury was horrific, when I saw her I couldn’t believe it. I could actually see the back of her eyeball.”

She added: “Anyone who is walking around with a knife intends to hurt someone or something with it.”

A Northumbri­a Police spokesman said: “On Monday, February 18, police received a report that a dog had been attacked by an individual on Church Lane, Sunderland.

“Inquiries are ongoing. Anyone with informatio­n is asked to contact 101 quoting reference 1191 180219 or Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.”

Gary says the man was wearing a dark jacket, was around 5ft 7in-tall, of slim build, and he ran from the street after the attack.

“The injury was horrific” MICHELLE IMESON

 ??  ?? Gary Nichols with his dog Narni pictured outside the Happier days for Strays shop in Hylton Road, Sunderland, with from left Wendy Williams and Dawn Harrison of Happier Days for Strays, Michelle Imeson of Goodfiller­s cafe, Hylton Road with her granddaugh­ter Natalia Elston.
Gary Nichols with his dog Narni pictured outside the Happier days for Strays shop in Hylton Road, Sunderland, with from left Wendy Williams and Dawn Harrison of Happier Days for Strays, Michelle Imeson of Goodfiller­s cafe, Hylton Road with her granddaugh­ter Natalia Elston.
 ??  ?? Narni was left with head injuries.
Narni was left with head injuries.

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