Sunderland Echo

Appeal must hit right note

- By Richard Ord

Given the Holy Trinity church organ helped Sunderland congregati­ons suffering through two world wars, it would have been a touch ironic to find its final resting place in Germany!

At one point it looked like the historic organ was heading out of Wearside, destined for a new home overseas.

And to be fair, despite the link to world wars highlighte­d by one campaigner fighting to save the organ - it would not have been wasted in Germany.

A company over there had planned to restore it and present it to a community that would not normally be able to afford one. To know it was to be restored and used for the benefit of another community, would have been a satisfacto­ry conclusion in the eyes of some.

But those fighting to keep the organ in Sunderland were having none of it.

The Save Our Heritage appeal was launched late last year after it was revealed the Churches Conservati­on Trust proposed to remove it.

The SOH group were determined to keep the organ where it has stood for decades … in Wearside.

And why not? As Denise Craig, member of the campaign team points out: “She stood through two World Wars and so many people turned to the church in their hour of need. We can’t wait to bring in the New Year with the bells ringing out once again on New Year’s Eve whilst our grand old pipe organ plays in triumphant splendour.”

There’s only one thing standing between that vision and reality and that’s cold hard cash, some £45,000 of it.

Having survived two world wars it would be a pity for this organ to fall silent for the want of pounds, shillings and pence.

Please give generously.

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