Sunderland Echo



ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20 Your upbeat attitude is admirable, but could lay the groundwork for disappoint­ment. When things don’t go your way, be philosophi­cal. Rather than dwelling on what went wrong, think about how you can use this turn of events to your advantage. A moneymakin­g opportunit­y is worth pursuing. Tel: 0905 506 6418

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21 Expenses are mounting, but that’s no reason to panic. Be proud of every bill you pay. When you look at finance from the ‘glass is half full’ perspectiv­e, you’ll attract more and more of it. It’s also helpful to appreciate goods and services. Are you determined to improve your situation? Develop a feeling of excitement about the future. Tel: 0905 506 6418

GEMINI May 22 – June 21 Other people can’t make you happy. Joy is cultivated from within. When you radiate love, passion and appreciati­on, that’s exactly what you’ll attract. Good relationsh­ips will become stronger and toxic ones will fall away. Turn your attention to delightful ideas and activities. Making more time for solitary pursuits is strongly advised. Tel: 0905 506 6418

CANCER June 22 – July 23 Taking your health for granted is a mistake. Regardless of what physical challenges you face, your body is serving you extremely well. Instead of dwelling on aches, pains or other forms of distress, bless your system for functionin­g. This gentle encouragem­ent will help you thrive. Tel: 0905 506 6418

LEO July 24 – Aug 23 There’s no reason you can’t have fun, regardless of what you are doing. When you associate work with drudgery, it will seem like a terrible weight. Look for ways to take pleasure in your job. Soon your dread will be replaced by delight. An exciting chance to move up the ladder of success will arrive, throw your hat in the ring. Tel: 0905 506 6418

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23 Making mountains out of molehills has been harrowing. When your emotions threaten to overwhelm you, take a few steps back to reassess the situation. Situations that seem intolerabl­e will change shape. Suddenly, you’ll find solutions that empower you. Let conflict inspire improvemen­t. Tel: 0905 506 6418

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23 Be willing to admit there are gaps in your knowledge. Allow someone who is much younger to teach you a valuable skill. By putting your ego aside for the sake of personal growth, you will prosper. Your guide or mentor will also become a good friend. A passionate relationsh­ip changes your priorities. Tel: 0905 506 6418

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22 Money hasn’t been flowing in as quickly as you’d like, but the situation is temporary. When resources are going out, remind yourself of all the goods and services they have bought. Congratula­te yourself on having fulfilled these material needs. Know more abundance will come. Pairing up with a practical person will be beneficial. Tel: 0905 506 6418

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22 Stop agreeing to every offer that arrives. Although your energy is abundant, it is not limitless. Confine yourself to two or three projects that fill you with excitement and leave the rest for later. Focus on jobs that raise your profile and expand your horizons. Eating nutritious food will keep exhaustion at bay. Tel: 0905 506 6418

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20 It feels like you’re working in obscurity. Instead of being consumed by resentment, enjoy the positive aspects of this situation. Escaping the gaze of a micromanag­er is liberating. It allows you to take a more creative approach to your duties. The sooner you come to terms with your surroundin­gs, the faster they will improve. Tel: 0905 506 6418

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19 Giving people the benefit of the doubt will result in disappoint­ment. Rather than cursing your bad judgement, try to learn something from it. Certain tasks are too important to delegate to others. Treat these jobs as labours of love. Assign minor jobs to others. Never hesitate to praise people for what they are doing well. Tel: 0905 506 6418

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20 You know you are worthy of a wonderful job. If you’re not happy in your current position, bless it anyway. Make a list of all the positive aspects of it, even if it’s as simple as regular pay or good parking facilities. Projecting positive energy will attract bigger and better opportunit­ies. When you do what you love, the money will follow. Tel: 0905 506 6418

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