Sunderland Echo

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Ahh the memories! And while it’s great to bring you a page of nostalgia in the Sunderland Echo every day from Monday to Saturday, what should you do if you want more? The answer is ... head to social media where you can enjoy Wearside Echoes nostalgia to your heart’s content. If you do, you will join a membership of almost 1,500 people and growing. It’s your chance to see what we have got to say about Sunderland and County Durham’s past but also have your own say. You might want to post your own photograph­s of a past era. You might want to tell us about a reunion, about your family tree research or your attempts to trace someone you knew from years ago. You might want our help to remember a favourite shop, pub or nightclub – or a sporting moment you would love to reminisce on. To join, just head to the Wearside Echoes page on Facebook and apply to join. We can’t wait to hear from you! In the meantime, here are a few examples of the latest Wearside Echoes posts which are attracting plenty of interest.

We wanted your memories of the Crowtree swimming pool and this is what you had to say.

Amanda Meade: “Fantastic place. Great slide and diving board. Although I did a belly flop. Shame it’s gone. X”

Mark Wearside Ransom: “My dad used to take me. Remember him being at bottom of the slide waiting to catch me. Mint. Would have looked take my boy.”

Rose Wharton: “We used to take our grandchild­ren every Sunday morning they loved it that was around 1997-98 it’s a great miss.”

Joanandjoh­n Allan: “The wave machine.”

Hazel Gorman: “Loved it great fun.”

Joanne Bolton: “Loved the wave machine & waving at people through the diving pool windows. My children had swimming lessons from Linda in the little pool.

Ian Dobson: “Mondays and Wednesdays were best when you can go for free if you were on dole. Met many good friends there, still in touch with them all. Met in the swimming pool brilAnothe­r liant.” post showed Finos in 1992 and we wanted your recollecti­ons. Robert Ushsaid: er “I was working there asad oorman. Great club.” Lee Mckinney called it a great night club and added: “Never no bother.” Michelle Lundy said: “Great night club x.” And thanks to Gordon Mason who said: “Ray Hartley at the bar.” Amanda Halley said: “Eddie Tate in background.” Mark Bosher commented: “Every night, I know that she goes to Finos ... and every night, I know that she sees him ... Toy Dolls classic .”

Another post asked for your memories of Seaburn Fair in the 1970s. David Griffiths said: “Happy days.” Kevin Chisholm put the case for Sunderland as it is today when he said: “I’ll defend Sunderland against all criticism. We have out of town shopping. Hylton Pallion etc The last time I was in the Bridges it was thriving our sea front has regular visitors. We have an air show Boxing Day dip pity about the fair and a university.” But others disagreed including Eddie Davison who said: “It’s a crying shame what’s happened to our city.” Chris Wilson said: “Sadly our seafront will never return to this quality.” Lesley Mfon said: “I loved those ducks and swans!!” And thanks to Gerard O’Brien who said: “It was a massive attraction for the city but they ran it down. Ruined the seafront will never recover that’s for sure.”

A reminder photograph Geordie Jeans in the city centre had Mere Gardener getting in touch to say: “Part of my yearly pilgrimage home. Bought jeans nowhere else for a long time.”

And memories of the good old days of cinema had Kathleen Hughes recalling: “I remember singing in the Odeon! Stamping my feet in the picture house then sliding down in your seat so you could stay for the next showing!! Haha x.”

We love all your positive feedback on matters past and present and for those of you still thinking of joining Wearside Echoes, we have one question. ‘What are you waiting for!’

Just get on to Facebook, find the Wearside Echoes page, make a request to join and we will do the rest.

“Fantastic place. Great slide and diving board” AMANDA MEADE

 ??  ?? Crowtree swimming pool was a popular spot and big hit with Wearside Echoes followers.
Crowtree swimming pool was a popular spot and big hit with Wearside Echoes followers.
 ??  ?? Fino’s was another spot which readers loved to recall.
Fino’s was another spot which readers loved to recall.
 ??  ?? Geordie Jeans was ‘a must’ at the time.
Geordie Jeans was ‘a must’ at the time.
 ??  ??

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