Sunderland Echo

Russia in focus for new art exhibition



A new exhibition charting 20 years of life in Russia will open at Northern Gallery for Contempora­ry Art next month.

For decades photograph­er John Peter Askew has travelled to the easternmos­t city in Europe, Perm, in Russia, which has resulted in the exhibition We, Photograph­s from Russia 1996 –2017, which is based on the lives of a single family, the Chulakovs.

John’s poetic and playful photograph­s are a kind of album for the extended family stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals.

It’s also an extended portrait of the post-Soviet world, seen through its many transition­s across a quarter of a century.

John began to take photograph­s when studying at the University of Sunderland.

Since graduating, he has shown in many of the most important galleries and festivals across Europe including at the Arles photograph­y festival, the Prague Biennale, The Photograph­ers’ Gallery, London, and the National Museum of Photograph­y. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he began to focus on the state of Europe and began travelling the breadth of the whole continent.

Across the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s, he has photograph­ed how Western and Eastern sides of Europe have changed – or not – to see not what divides us, but what unites us.

In the 1990s he found something special in the far reaches of regional Russia.

He began to photograph life at the exact opposite end of our continent – in the very easternmos­t city in Europe – Perm, in Russia.

The city is some 1,000 kilometres east of Moscow, well outside the centre of power.

Despite a lack of wealth in the transition to capitalism after 1991, the artist says people seemed to possess a very real sense of freedom, and of community.

His sitters show a true sense of togetherne­ss – hence the title – as well as of playfulnes­s.

They have a rare generosity of spirit.

He aims to show that these distant people are not ‘like’ us – they ‘are’ us, part of a bigger ‘we’ than most of us think about.

This exhibition brings together a full 20 years of photograph­s.

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