Sunderland Echo



- By Faye Dixon Twitter: @sunderland­echo

Schoolchil­dren and students staged a global climate strike demonstrat­ion outside Sunderland Civic Centre to kick start a week of action in the city.

Protesters, young and old, came together with a strong message of tackling climate change yesterday.

Students and schoolchil­dren gathered together at noon to take part in a nationwide walkout. Locals, visitors and even dogs came to join them.

It marked the start of a week long Global Climate Strike activity across the world, led by 16-year-old Swede Greta Thunberg, a school striker for climate change who has become an influentia­l voice for youth climate activism.

The Chair of Parent Future Sunderland, Graeme Jobes, organised the Sunderland rally to help to spread the message while members of the Green Party shared their thoughts on the future of the planet.

Graeme said: “We have a duty for the planet as well as Sunderland.

“Sunderland is a great place. There is no criticism of the council as we are aware they have restricted spending, but we need the community in with the council to work out a plan that means that my kids and all others will have a future in many years.”

Digital Film Production student, Lewis Harley, 21 was one of many who joined in. He said: “I first became aware of the protests in April and since then I wanted to get involved because its our future and our children’s futuree.”

President of Wellbeing for the Student’s Union, Helder Costa, claims that the Environmen­tal Society at the University is constantly growing. He said: “If you do want to make a change, all sorts of people will come together.”

But it wasn’t just the youth of the city who came to support the protest.

Neil Holm, 74, came to the city all of the way from Australia while travelling across the UK. He feels passionate about the planet and found the Sunderland strike when searching for the Global Climate Strike. He said: “Students have been active all over the world and its their future but we created the mess so we want to help them do this.”

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Youth Climate Strike rally at Sunderland Civic Centre.

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