Sunderland Echo

Briony's marketing business is on the up


successful first year, felt it was time to find a permanent base for her business. She said: “As my client base has grown, it became apparent that I needed a great location to represent my business. I enjoy homeworkin­g, but I have missed the camaraderi­e that comes with working alongside others and the BIC was a natural choice due to its location, choice of meeting rooms and its great reputation as a business community.

“I was freelancin­g for a couple of clients alongside my full-time employment, but the requests for work kept growing. I’d never planned on running my own business, but it became clear that there were many local businesses who were looking for someone like me to support them with their marketing activities.

“I’m so glad I took the leap and I’m delighted at how successful it has been.” Looking back on her first year, Briony says she has foundthatt­hepersonal­touch toherbrand­andbusines­shas been crucial to her success. She said: “I spent a long time trying to think of a name for my business, but in the end, I chose to use my name.

“I’ve found that many of my clients approach me because they like my writing and my personal tone of voice, and want me to bring the same to their brand. Briony has recently added workshops and training to her list of services, helping small businesses to make a start on their own marketing activities.

She recently turned to the BIC for support on growing her business further.

Donna Surtees, Centre Manager at the BIC, said: “We’re really pleased that Briony has chosen our Open Space for the next stage of her business.

“It really is ideally suited to start-ups such as hers who don’t need, or aren’t yet ready for a fixed office space.” To contact Briony call 0191 810 3883 or visit brionymcst­

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Briony McStea

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