Sunderland Echo

Knife-wielding robber threatened to slit cashier's throat


A woman who threatened a petrol station worker with a knife in a “terrifying ordeal” has been jailed for six years.

Joanne Metcalfe entered the St Giles Filling Station, in Gilesgate, Durham and filled a shopping basket full of items.

And as the cashier – a woman who was working alone – finished scanning the items through the till, Metcalfe brandished a knife in her face.

Metcalfe told her she would slit her throat if she didn’t give her any money from the till.

Fearing for her life, the terrified cashier opened the till.

Metcalfe made off with a quantity of cash and the stolen goods.

She was arrested a few minutes later by police officers in a street behind the petrol station.

The incident happened shortly after 6am on Saturday, August 24.

Metcalfe, 39, of Churchill Square, Gilesgate, pleaded guilty to robbery and possession of a bladed article in a public place.

She was jailed for six years at Durham Crown Court last week.

Pc Anna Pittam, of Durham City CID, said: “The victim was extremely brave to have gone through the process with us for what was a terrifying ordeal during which she genuinely feared for her life.

“Thankfully the uniformed officers from the response teams quickly identified the suspect and arrested her a few minutes after the incident.

“I hope Metcalfe’s sentence gives some reassuranc­e to the victim and the wider public that her attacker is off the streets and behind bars.”

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