Sunderland Echo

PDSA share top tips to keep pets safe from road traffic this winter


Every year PDSA vets see hundreds of pets that have been involved in horrific road traffic accidents – and the darker evenings in winter can bring added danger.

This winter, PDSA is warning that it’s not just humans who are at risk from the perils of road traffic – but our four-legged friends are too.

With large numbers of vehicles on our roads it’s really important to do what we can to protect our dogs, PDSA says the risks can be significan­tly reduced if owners take some simple but effective precaution­s.

“The simplest step you can take is to keep your dog under close control and on a short lead whilst walking when it’s getting dark,” says PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing. “Even if your dog is really well behaved and always comes when they’re called, it only takes a moment’s distractio­n for an accident to happen.

“A good quality lead, attached to your dog’s collar, harness, or both, will mean you can keep your dog close to your side while you’re walking next to busy roads. Extender leads can actually be more dangerous – they don’t give you the control you need if your dog suddenly dashes off.”

Nina’s other top tips include:

Teach your dog road awareness. If your dog knows a few simple commands – like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ – you can help them learn some road sense. Teaching them a command like ‘wait’ or ‘stop’ could help to put your dog’s brakes on in an emergency. ‘Come away’ or ‘come here’ will bring your dog away from danger.

For effective training it’s important to use positive, reward-based training. As you walk towards the curb, keep them on a close lead and ask your dog to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’, reward them when they carry out your command. Once the road is clear and safe to cross, calmly give the command to ‘walk’ and carefully cross the road. Don’t forget to give them a healthy treat and praise once you’ve safely crossed the road.

Collar, tag and microchip! It’s really important that you can be contacted in an emergency if your dog does get into an accident on the road. By law, your dog must be microchipp­ed – and make sure the chip is registered with your most up-to-date contact details. Dogs also legally need to wear a collar and identifica­tion, like a tag – showing your name, address and contact number – whenever they’re out and about in public.

Pet Insurance – If your dog is in a traffic accident, they could have some serious injuries, which is deeply traumatic and emergency vet bills can quickly add up. But it’s important to remember that if your dog has caused an accident by running into the road, as the dog’s owner you may also be liable to pay for damages to the people involved and for any damage done to any vehicles. Pet insurance can help you cover the cost of any accidents to all involved and veterinary treatment.

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