Sunderland Echo

Off-grid EV charging for remote areas


A new “off-grid” charging system has been launched claiming that it will bring zero-emission electric car charging to locations where traditiona­l networks cannot reach.

Hydrogen power company AFC Energy has unveiled the H-Power system which uses self-contained charging systems powered by hydrogen to create “deployable” EV infrastruc­ture for use at everything from hotels to music festivals.

The systems use standard shipping containers to house the mechanical and electrical components needed to offer rapid EV charging and its creators say can be scaled up from as few as two to as many as 100 charging points in a single location.

Powered either by hydrogen or ammonia, the HPower units can be moved quickly into locations where on-grid charging isn’t possible and offer zero-emissions charging. The firm behind the system says it can be used to bring EV charging to remote areas where infrastruc­ture is lacking and to congested urban areas where demand oustrips traditiona­l supply.

It has also hinted that it could be deployed at temporary events such as music festivals to offer charging without the need for significan­t long-term investment.

AFC Energy CEO Adam Bond said: “Our system is independen­t of the grid and delivers EV charging in the most remote off-grid locations or in highly populated urban areas where supply is over-subscribed. With this system, we provide a solution to support the industry’s emerging need for a national network of EV chargepoin­ts.”

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