Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Wonderful memories of Joplings at Christmas.

Suzanne McIvor: I was the Toy Buyer at Joplings for 4 years in the 70s and Christmas was a fabulous time I welcomed Dr Who to the store and will never forget the children’s faces. Such happy memories of the wonderful staff I had.

Catherine Lewis: I used to do the windows in Joplings for 11 year, I loved the place.

Debbie Hickman: Had recently been describing the basement ‘sleigh rides’ to see Father Christmas in the 60s/70s, despite the lo-tech was still brilliant and had me believing!

Ursula Apreda: Iwasa window dresser there too early 90s i painted the jungle book Christmas theme xx i loved going to see santa a child and was privilege to create many grottos when i worked there and also Binns where i first started.

Joan Lavelle: I worked in toy department and got the job of driving Santa’s rocket at Christmas.Was so boring after a while but lovely to see the kids faces as we landed and the rocket door opened.

Pam Keogh: When I was younger... we use to queue around Joplings to see Santa. Loved the sleigh ride. I had a Saturday job, worked in the stationery dept, staff canteen and restaurant ... such happy days, fab people and a great place to start my work experience.

Pat McKellar: My mam worked there for yrs then a old school friend worked in the toy department it was brill at xmas xx

Dorothy Smith: Loved Joplings. I remember going to have tea with my Nana & Auntie. Always took my children to see Santa & every year looked forward to seeing Joplings window. Great memories.

Diane Barker: Loved joplings, the ride that never really moved oh and the little sweet shop area with tiny shopping baskets and spending joplings money, happy memories.

Dorell Hall: I worked there on the lilley and skinner shoe department. Three very happy years very happy memories xx

Jackie Walton: My mum worked there for a while. Loved it!

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