Sunderland Echo

Academic speaks out over anti-vegan ‘aggression’


they can receive at the hands of non-vegans.

He continued: “For some reason, people dislike vegans. This discrimina­tion comes in many forms.

“From wisecracki­ng jokes, all the way up to chefs in restaurant­s secretly giving vegans animal products in their meals (and, thankfully, losing their jobs for it).

“The hardest moments are when you have to bite your tongue.

“Meeting a new partner’s parents, for example, and his or her father spouts some obviously wrong ideas about animals. What do you do? Correct him, or play along?”

But Dr Lockwood admits to not always biting his tongue.

One recent incident during a workshop at a hotel made him particular­ly angry.

He had informed the organisers of his veganism and that it was hard for him at meal times to see people eating animals. He was told he would be looked after, but was left angry and disappoint­ed.

When he arrived, all the welcome breakfast snacks were non-vegan and there was only ordinary dairy milk.

Dr Lockwood said: “When the vegan alternativ­es arrived, the venue, mockingly labelled the fruit a ‘vegan treat’. Well, actually, it’s not a treat, it’s a right, under 2012 Workplace Legislatio­n.

“Lunch was even worse. While everyone else had the immediate choice of four different hot meals, I waited 40 minutes for a tiny bowl of watery pasta – and still no one running the training did anything about it.

“This time I did not put up with it. I complained. And I left.

“And yet it is I who will be seen as the troublemak­er, even though I provided three months’ advance notice.”

He concludes: “In the end, even meat-eaters know that vegans are living healthy, ethical lives. Now what is stopping you from doing the same?”

 ??  ?? Dr Alex Lockwood says: ‘For some reason, people dislike vegans.’
Dr Alex Lockwood says: ‘For some reason, people dislike vegans.’

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