Sunderland Echo

Yellow wind warning issued for weekend


The Met Office has issued a yellow wind warning for part of Sunderland over a 24-hour period this weekend.

The forecaster­s expect the North East to experience yet more gusts winds from around noon today, February and into tomorrow at noon.

The worst affected areas covered by the warning, which also includes large sections of England and Wales, will experience winds of up to 60mph.

The prediction from the Met Office is that Sunderland will have sunny spells as the warning begins and winds of 34mph hit Wearside, rising to 40mph by 3pm.

The wind speed will dip just below that level as the day progresses, with light rain to move in as night falls.

The winds will be at their height at 6am on the Sunday, with the speeds likely to only dip below that point as the day begins, and while it will be about 4ºC at this point, it will feel as cold as -2ºC at this early hour.

However, the forecast does expect it to be sunny at 9am and into the morning and while the warning only stretches until noon, the high winds will continue, with speeds of 34mph tailing down to 23mph due.

The Met Office has said as part of the yellow weather warning: “A spell of strong winds is expected to move North East across a large swathe of the UK through Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.”

“Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are likely.

“Delays for high-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges likely.

“It’s likely that some coastal routes, sea fronts and coastal communitie­s affected by spray and/or large waves.”

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