Sunderland Echo

Online voices



The over-70s are considered by the Government to be a clinically vulnerable group.Do you think stricter restrictio­ns should continue for those classed as extremely vulnerable if and when lockdown regulation­s are relaxed?

Liz Wilson: No no no! being locked down on your own with no friends or family is no life at all. Better give them free tests to see if they have have had the virus and have immunities. Why are others taking their right to decide for themselves if they should be out and about. They are adults for god sake.

Vivien Thompson: Just because we are over 70 doesnt mean that we are senile. We do understand what we have to do to keep safe and are less likely to break ther rules than some people younger and 'less vulnerable' than us. Don't tar all over 70s with the same brush!

Richard Weeks: Iam75 and think we owe it to the hero,s of the NHS and others who are working to keep us safe and fed to stay home until all danger has gone

Joyce Galley: lock down regulation­s should not be relaxed until it is safe for all ages and vulnerable people.

Doreen Hammond: As long as protecting ie. masks and gloves are worn over seventies should be able to go out occasional­ly. But the disabled and vulnerable should stay in longer. It’s for to keep them safe this lock down can’t last much longer. Make everyone wear safety precaution or fine them the they might then understand how serious and dangerous this virus is.

Eddie Marrin: Completely agree leave the. Fit over 70s /80 alone if their doctor gives them.a good bill of health what's the problem I'm.remember when people retired at 60/65 not so along ago now it will soon be 70 I rest my case

Don Trump: Do the old and vulnerable self lockdown every year due to the flu? I highly doubt it.

Stewart Rooney: People forget, they may be over 70 and fit and healthy but their immune system is still over 70, fighting off a virus will be harder. The problem with Sunderland at the minute is there are too many people who think this doesn't affect them so are carrying on like there is no lockdown

Denise Molloy: It should be upto individual­s how much they go out.

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