Sunderland Echo

Burglar traced by blood left at scene of crime


A thief who stole children’s Christmas presents during a raid has been convicted – after leaving traces of blood at the scene.

Leon Best, 21, pocketed hundreds of pounds worth of items – including games consoles, a tool set and jewellery – from a Washington home during the overnight burglary on Friday, January 31

The victims, who were away when Best struck, only became aware of the breakin when a friend spotted their dogs running in a field the following morning, several miles from home.

Best’s actions were discovered when blood from inside the property was swabbed and came back as a forensic link.

He pleaded guilty to burglary at Teesside Magistrate­s’ Court last week.

His victims spoke of the “extreme emotional stress” adding: “The theft has been of material possession­s, they mostly belonged to our small children whohad to be told their gifts and Christmas presents had been stolen.

“Luckily our two muchloved family pets were found a few miles away.

“We have to be grateful for their return as it is hard to even contemplat­e the possibilit­y that they could have been knocked over and killed.

“We work very hard every day to provide for our children and give them the best possible quality of life we can, then only to have it unfairly taken away by someone who clearly thinks they are above the law.

“I only pray this never happens to any other family as it has turned out to be the worst experience of our family’s lives.”

Best, Somerset Road, Middlesbro­ugh, will be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court on Wednesday, June 3.

 ??  ?? Leon Best will be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court in June.
Leon Best will be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court in June.

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