Sunderland Echo

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Research suggests Covid-19 infections are dropping in London but rising in the North East.

Pete Crompton:

So why doesn't the government recognise this? Surely getting people back to work safely should be done regionally. We're closer to Scotland than Westminste­r and yet Scottish ministers are still saying Stay Home. It baffles me and shows how inept our government is.

Graham Hall:

Sick of people blaming the government for a clear lack of common sense in the general population. The government aren’t to blame for the deaths, it’s people ignoring advice! If people choose not to do as they’re told they suffer the consequenc­es

Ken Pullan:

I’ve kept isolated but I’m at a loss as to how individual stupidity can be addressed. Only draconian restrictio­ns would work and that in these entitled liberal times would face even greater criticism. I’m not a Tory supporter but I do feel we still get ‘”party” obsessions taking precedence instead of a unified solution.

Linda Baines:

The Government have said they will lockdown regions if the R rate is higher there.

Marie Kennedy:

I’ve said it from day one, Seaham have not been in lockdown, this is not the government’s fault, this is the idiots who think it won’t happen to them or don’t even care.

Doreen Hammond:

To be expected. Large portion of NE people seem to think they’re untouchabl­e. They’ve been out in crowds, don’t distance themselves and haven’t had the sense to cover their mouths. Waiting for the second lock time.

Dean Cummings:

Could also be the fact that more people are getting more tests so the new cases will naturally rise.. for all some are ignoring lockdown, it doesn't mean everyone is.

Elaine Davidson:

Doesn’t surprise me. Many people ignoring the social distancing. I wear a facemask but hardly anyone else does.

Lisa Mark Stevens:

Not surprised Roker seafront was packed on Thursday. We’ll be back in full lockdown 7-10 days.

Stefan Lewell-Price:

Because of ignorant people that only think about themselves.

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