Sunderland Echo

'Absolutely incredible' supermarke­t worker


A supermarke­t worker has been included in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for her “absolutely incredible” support for care workers at the start of the coronaviru­s crisis.

The Government’ s Cabinet Office says Lucy Mansell-Render, 32, from Washington, is to receive a British Empire Medal (BEM) “for services to the COVID-19 response”.

Lucy, nights department manager at Asda’s Washington clothing depot, sensed the pressure care workers were under after the pandemic’s outbreak in March and invited some to visit the premises so that staff could show their appreciati­on at a socially acceptable distance.

The Cabinet Office said: “The care workers walked into the yard to about 50 colleagues clapping and drivers in units beeping their horns to thank them for everything they’ve been doing.”

Its announceme­nt added: “Her support for local care workers in her community throughout the last few months has been absolutely incredible.”

Lucy also visited work colleagues shielding at home on her days off to safely deliver chocolates to them.

When her efforts on behalf of others crept into her annual leave, Asda returned the holidays to her. After learning of her award, Lucy said: “I feel honoured to be recognised for this award.

"However it was a team effort and I’d like to thank everyone involved on behalf of myself and the team here.”

Depot general manager Jennifer Stelling said: “Lucy has acted selflessly throughout the pandemic and is always thinking about others.”

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