Sunderland Echo

My partner is threatenin­g my family - what action can I take?

- By Adrian Dalton

My ex-partner has started harassing and threatenin­g my family and I don’t know what to do. We separated just over a year ago due to an incident where he assaulted me and the police arrested him but were not able to take any further action. He started ringing and messaging me and was verbally abusive so I ignored him and blocked him. However after a few months, he has now started to message my family and threatenin­g that he will get his large group of 20 family members to come to my house.

Recently he has started to sit outside my property in his car and he has shouted that he is thinking about breaking the window and climbing through. One of his cousins also contacted my sister and threatenin­g that if I go to the police, things will get worse. I just want him to stop harass

ing me but I am too scared to call the police and my family are telling me to get an injunction against him.

I am very sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like his behaviour is escalating and for your safety, you really need to call the police urgently especially if he is sitting outside your house and threatenin­g you. This sounds very concerning and the only people that would be able to protect you and your family are the police.

If the police are not able to help then it is possible to apply to the family court for an injunction called a Non-Molestatio­n

Order. A Non-Molestatio­n Order can prohibit your ex-partner from using or threatenin­g violence, intimidati­ng, harassing, pestering or communicat­ing with you. It can also be granted to prevent him coming a certain distance from you or attending your address and also prohibit him from telling his family members to do these things against you.

It is possible to apply for a Non-Molestatio­n Order without your ex-partner knowing but he will need to be served with the Order and if he breaches any of the terms, then you would have to notify the police. The police can then arrest him and decide whether there is enough evidence to prosecute him for breaching the Order.

If you would like to make an appointmen­t at one of our offices to discuss this matter further and to assess if you are eligible for Legal Aid, then please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 565 3112.

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Advice on dealing with abusive former partners.

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