Sunderland Echo

Tudor England, vampires and witches make for a heady brew


Teresa Palmer and Matthew Goode in A Discovery Of Witches.

“Something about his emotion is very, very raw, and that brings with it a plethora of different feelings; there’s volatility, there’s obsession.”

That obsession is with Matthew, and it also means Kit has a fear of Diana, because when Matthew arrives back from the modern-day, the whole world has changed and shifted.

“His [Kit’s] emotional connection with Matthew is shifted, Matthew’s aura has shifted, and the only thing that Kit can seem to identify as being the thing that’s caused that is Diana.”

In this series, Diana doesn’t have a choice other than to start embracing who she is – the most powerful witch the world has ever seen.

And Palmer says that has been really fun for her because she’s “getting to do so much more magic stuff ” – and has even been doing magic classes with a movement coach. She’s been “learning about weaving and the history behind witches and the idea of like the

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