Sunderland Echo

Bring back normality


In the normal world of Washington politics last Wednesday was meant to be basically a day of boring bureaucrat­ic vote counting but someone moved Washington into an alternativ­e world of horror.

People attacked the Capital building, people were killed, democracy was damaged but will recover, several ex-Presidents condemned the actions of the Make America Great Again-loving crowd whereas one President was banned from Twitter.

In Hong Kong there were riots in the streets, in America there were riots in the streets.

In Russia, China and North Korea there are narcissist­ic leaders, in America there are narcissist­ic leaders.

In England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand there are leaders elected in a simple, unchalleng­ed, democratic process, in America there is not.

Can we just turn off the TV, Twitter and just wait till the afternoon of January 21 when the normal world returns?

Dennis Fitzgerald. Sent via email.

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