Sunderland Echo

Made perfect


So, David Attenborou­gh says we should act now to save our perfect planet.

There is only one reason why the planet is perfect and that is because God made it perfect.

God spoke and it all came into being: that being the land, the sea, the air, the creatures, and both man and woman in the form of Adam and Eve.

The problem with the planet is sin; hence, sin entered the world when Adam and Eve sinned.

Ever since, we have all had to deal with the effects and consequenc­es of sin.

Yet a man died upon a cross as a propitiati­on for the sins of everyone who repents of their sin, puts their trust in him as their lord and saviour and follow the leading of his spirit; his name: Jesus Christ.

And the reward for being a Christian: e verlasting life as per John 3:16 free from sin.

May the Lord richly bless anyone who acts as per the instructio­ns given.

Geoffrey Brooking. Sent via email.

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