Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Bev Ward Thubron: Wish I’d stayed in Tenerife a lot safer & more strict than the uk during the pandemic

Ellen McNay: Start the lockdown immediatel­y, leave in lockdown until circuit breaks, support all to enable them to comply with the lockdown, quite possibly could’ve been over in a couple of months, look where we are now, all the deaths, unemployme­nt, broken economy, sunken businesses

Lynn Chapman: Give a head a shake to whoever thought these exemption certificat­es people download for free were a good idea. Half the exempt population don't need one but refuse to wear a mask for their street cred.

Tom Booth: Shield yourself from Joe Public. Physically and verbally. Especially the Couch University graduates

John Tate: Don't think I would have properly changed anything from my perspectiv­e. I would changed massively how the government handled it. My advice to anyone for what it's worth, would be Don't be bullied by the virus. Treat the virus like any other bully. Respect your foe, read as much as possible about your foe and give yourself space to be in the best place to respond to your foe and always look after your family in the face of a bully. What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the early days of the pandemic?

Paul Anderson: Don’t put on 2 stone, as getting rid of it once the gyms opened back up last August was hard graft...

Dave N Lesley Bell: We personally have done everything to stay safe. Wish other people could have done.

Mandy Ochoa: Do what I’ve done for the last 11 months - wear a mask - dont go out among crowds - use sanitizer always and often! And I work in a care home!

John Monaghan: Shield the vulnerable top tier groups and keep everything open. Let those groups manage their own risk

Jules Left: Stop reading and listening to the hyped up claims of the media. Calm down, don't feel so anxious and worried.

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