Sunderland Echo

They’ve failed this country


Can I just say, reaching the record for the largest amount of Covid deaths in Europe, should be a moment for profound reflection by Boris Johnson and his government – followed by mass resignatio­ns.

Is accepting that they have failed this country miserably, too much to expect?

Today, as I write 1,820 people, husbands, wives and children, have died from this evil virus.

At the same time,

New Zealand hasn't had a death from Covid since September.

Boris Johnson and his ministers ignore this and boast about the newly implemente­d border controls, the same controls he was urged to adopt back in March, yes 10 months ago, not just by SAGE, but even some of his own Tory MPs.

The vaccine roll out is

going well and these same ministers and Boris Johnson are bigging themselves right up.

Credit where credit is due, but this success is because the government has allowed the NHS and local health practition­ers to organise this mass roll out.

The North East is showing the rest of the country how to get things done in a pandemic, what could possibly go wrong.

You've guessed it Boris Johnson.

Because the rest of the country are seemingly not as efficient at this vaccinatio­n rollout as the North East, it has been decided to redirect vaccines ordered for up here to less efficient areas.

Ged Taylor, Barnes.

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