Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Ministers are considerin­g keeping social distancing restrictio­ns and maskwearin­g rules in place until at least the autumn.

Lorraine 'Mitchell'

Oliver: Dear god let's just get on with life! I don't mind wearing a mask and distancing but let's just have a life! We can not sustain this hell we are living in!

Paul Hurt: Masks and social distancing are nearly a new normal apart from anti maskers. Lets be honest when do people expect that to end It's a long term thing may ease a bit but ....

Paul Brewis:

Are we going to have a Public informatio­n film on how to dispose of masks responsibl­y !

Rebecca Gray:

I don't think people will stand for it being in place for that long, everyone has had enough now

Bob Simpson: Sooner as people follow the government guidelines the sooner they were lift these restrictio­ns. I don't know why it's hard for them to follow the government guidelines

Robert Worthingto­n:

Erm... All these measures are working are they? In my opinion, I believe the Government have now got a 'taste' for the level of control they are now feasibly extolling over the general population. I don't believe things will EVER go back to the way they were! The level of freedom we once had has now all but dissipated and will never be fully regained.

Neil Hutchinson: If the vaccine works which it looks like it is ,scrap the polluting masks and let life return to normal ,meet ,hug, kiss and be free

Mik 'Chromedome' Brown:

We'll see another Christmas with social distancing and restrictio­ns before we get any semblance of normality back.

Wil Macdonald:

Can we still keep the 2 metre rule in shops? It’s been nice standing in the queue at Asda and not having Wayne and Waynetta Slob and their 14 kids breathing down your neck.

Richard Valanga: It was on BBC news this morning that the experts expect a new mutated variant of the virus this autumn.

Stephen Paul: I bet a new super duper mutant ninja turtles strain of kung flu comes out and we have to stay indoors for the rest of our lives

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