Sunderland Echo



As the Chinese New Year starts, Lisa Salmon talks to Chinese medicine practition­er Katie Brindle. As the popular saying goes, prevention is better than cure – and it’s a philosophy that features highly in Traditiona­l Chinese Medicine (TCM). So too does the principle of selfcare – or ‘Yang Sheng’.

Here are some of the ways Brindle says Chinese medicine can help support health and well being… 1. Stress relief through breathing

Brindle says the parasympat­hetic nervous system, which can help restore calm when you’re stressed, can be indirectly stimulated with the right breathing technique, calming the mind and heart rate, deeply oxygenatin­g the blood and overriding emotional negativity.

“Breath is THE antidote to stress,” says Brindle. “Done slowly and mindfully, deep breathing will also affect the nervous system to relieve stress and anxiety, by triggering the release of neurohormo­nes which inhibit stress-producing hormones and result in relaxation.” 2. Boost energy with tapping The ancient Chinese therapy of ‘Pai Sha’, or tapping with bamboo, can “work wonders” for general wellbeing, says Brindle. Because good circulatio­n of qi and blood is a health fundamenta­l in Chinese medicine, she explains, when the flow is disrupted or stagnates – because of a sedentary lifestyle, stress, emotional upset or injury – it may lead to a variety of symptoms, including aches and pains, atrophy and weakness, low energy, skin issues, bad sleep, sluggish metabolism, lack of coordinati­on and digestive issues. 3. Reduce inflammati­on and improve sleep through selfmassag­e

The ancient self-massage technique of ‘Gua Sha’ uses a round-edged tool to pressstrok­e the skin. It’s said to be beneficial for inflammati­on, muscular tension, sleep problems, coughs and fever, according to Brindle, who says the technique improves microcircu­lation, helps release antioxidan­ts and beneficial enzymes, and stimulates qi flow and lymphatic drainage.

4. Boost overall health through gentle Qi gong movements

Qigong – which means ‘life force practice’ – involves slow, gentle, considered movements combined with breath and mental engagement.

Fans of Qigong often believe it can bring a host of general health and wellbeing benefits. Always consult your doctor While complement­ary therapies and TCM may be something you wish to explore, remember it’s always best to get any symptoms or health concerns checked by your GP.

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