Sunderland Echo

Never hide your dreams


He kept his dream in a cardboard box

To be opened once in a while, In it wrapped in innocence Was a wide-eyed small boy’s smile.

He'd forgotten how to wear it What with life and choices and all,

But he needed to look every now and then

Whenever he felt withdrawal.

He needed to look to make sure it was there

That it hadn't faded away, For if it at all were possible He'd wear it again one day.

One day when the leaves were green

And the stars in alignment fell, One when he would wake up And everything would gel. He knew that day would never come

For chance is an ungainly beast,

It lumbers into our consciousn­ess

On our souls to feast. So never hide your dream in a box

To be opened once in a while, Set it free and follow it

And you'll surely find your smile.

Scott Andrews. Ryhope.

“It will be a lasting legacy of lockdown.”

 ??  ?? Walking.

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