Sunderland Echo

Stamping out racism


News channels have been rightly denouncing parasitic racism that has latched on to successful sports men and women.

Commentato­rs theorise about the possible causes, and why the situation is still present in the 21st Century and what should be done to restore harmony and eradicate racism once and for all.

The truth is we will not fully understand racism until we recognise that two largely unsuspecte­d groups are actively and deceptivel­y fostering racism throughout the world. These groups are psychiatry and psychology.

For centuries, they have provided the 'scientific' justificat­ion for racism and the resultant abuse, assault and genocide of targeted races and groups. The following is shocking.

In 1797 psychiatri­st Benjamin Rush, the 'father of American psychiatry'

declared the colour of

Blacks was caused by a rare, inherited disease called 'Negritude,' which derived from leprosy. He said the only evidence of a 'cure' was when the skin turned white. This 'disease' was used as a reason for segregatio­n so that Whites would not be 'infected.'

In 1883, English psychologi­st Francis Galton created the term 'eugenics' from the Greek word eugenes, meaning 'good stock.' He encouraged using 'better' human stock from which to breed, and discourage­d what he considered 'less desirable' stock from having children, evidently considerin­g himself part of the 'better' stock and thereby capable of judging the future for all humanity.

Eugenics developed into the concept of 'racial hygiene' which was widely popularise­d by German and American psychiatri­sts and which later fuelled Hitler giving him 'scientific reason' for the forced sterilisat­ion and outright killing of millions of 'inferior' people.

Psychiatri­c atrocities didn't end with World War II.

In 1958, psychologi­st Hendrik Verwoerd became South Africa's Prime Minister. He is known as the architect of apartheid, having studied psychology in Nazi-influenced Germany.

He issued the country's first segregatio­n policy in the 1930s, laying the groundwork for apartheid and with it, secret psychiatri­c slave labour camps. Tens of thousands of black South Africans were incarcerat­ed in the camps during the apartheid era, and allowed to die from untreated medical conditions.

In his autobiogra­phy

Long Walk to Freedom,

Nelson Mandela stated,

"Out of the experience of an extraordin­ary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud...

"Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievemen­t."

To achieve this desired society, the psychiatri­c sources of apartheid and similar "extraordin­ary human disasters" must be clearly identified so that racism is eradicated once and for all.

"extraordin­ary human disasters" must be identified so racism is


BrianDanie­ls,CitizensCo­mmission onHumanRig­hts(UnitedKing­dom)

 ??  ?? Calls have been made to stop racism, like that suffered by England players.
Calls have been made to stop racism, like that suffered by England players.

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