Sunderland Echo





1. Compel to produce a powerful body? (5)

4. Odd mad lies deceive (7)

8. Being abusive on a train? (7)

9. Joins bad set after me (5)

10. Finished a spell of bowling (4)

11. Obstinate remnant brought to life (8)

13. One might expect it to be counter productive (4)

14. The border of red Germany(4)

16. Having shocking potential (8)

17. The end of the game for someone among the crew (4)

20. Earlier head of religious community (5)

21. Where the down-to-earth will be seen (7)

22. Our grey concoction is a bit of knavishnes­s (7)

23. Change so as to finish in the morning (5)


1. A fit of rage about some pure fruit (7,6)

2. Bring to a higher level in a nursery, for example? (5)

3. Live up to bad name (4)

4. Could be youth leader with plenty of power (6)

5. An indefinite person joins a certain organisati­on (8)

6. Looks at the mineral – what a hideous sight! (7)

7. Impartial, having had to forfeit profit? (13)

12. No stamp required: the situation is vacant (4-4)

13. Observe the monarch looking for something (7)

15. Large girl in illegal double marriage (6)

18. Not quite all: a single solo (5)

19. A region in the Near East (4)



1. Bogus (5)

4. Overburden (7)

8. Parvenu (7)

9. High seas (5)

10. Playthings (4)

11. Keep down (8)

13. Foray (4)

14. Plunge (4)

16. Displace (8)

17. Girl (4)

20. Correct (5)

21. Marry (7)

22. Adjourn (7)

23. Lock (5)


1. Perfection (13)

2. Robust (5)

3. Dash (4)

4. Choice (6)

5. Teeming (8)

6. Lift-up (7)

7. Stupidity (13)

12. Force out (8)

13. Quell (7)

15. Mean (6)

18. Entertain (5)

19. Short gaiter (4)

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