Sunderland Echo

They should have listened


France started evacuating people in May, Germany opened an air bridge and its foreign minister was there organising it.

Boris Johnson and Dominic Rabb went on holiday and the latter, I’m led to believe, didn’t even phone his counterpar­ts in Kabul and surroundin­g countries.

Everything Boris Johnson and his government do is reactive when it should be proactive.

They are not concerned about the British public so those people in Afghanista­n looking for leadership, or just answers, have been let down, big time.

I believe, the only thing that Boris Johnson and his government care about is what’s happening in the opinion polls.

These last 20 years 457 British soldiers lost their lives - for what?

Not forgetting more than 100,000 of Afghanista­n civilians and military personnel.

Tony Blair and

George Bush should held accountabl­e for taking Britain and America into this war.

Press barons, who slavishly cried out for war with their scaremonge­ring headlines, should be stripped from owning news outlets, and MPs who voted for it should be sent out there to sort out the mess they created, and yes that includes every Tory MP and the majority of Labour MPs who were in Parliament 20 years ago.

One of the very few MPs who voted against it, said at the time, Afghanista­n is an un-winable war, it will be a recruiting ground for jihadist fighters.

The cost morally, militarily and economical­ly will be unjustifie­d, but the cost of human life will be unforgivab­le.

You can call Jeremy Corbyn what you want, but if the country had listened to him then we wouldn't

have wasted over one trillion pounds... and 457 young soldiers would be with their families now.

Ged Taylor, Barnes.

 ??  ?? “Everything Boris Johnson and his government do is reactive."
“Everything Boris Johnson and his government do is reactive."

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