Sunderland Echo

Museum helps celebrate city's role in the history of pharmacy

- Ross Robertson @PressBench

One of the North East’s most popular visitor attraction­s is helping the University of Sunderland mark a very special milestone.

University staff and students, both past and present, have been celebratin­g 100 years of pharmacy education in Sunderland.

And Beamish, The Living Museum of the North is holding a live virtual tour of its Edwardianc­hemistshop­tomark the occasion.

Rosie Nichols is Keeper of Social History at the world famous open air museum.

She said: “We are thrilled to be part of the Sunderland School of Pharmacy’s centenary celebratio­ns; to be able show everyone what pharmacy would have been like when Hope Winch first entered the profession and then when the first students were training at the School.”

It all began in March 1921, whenHopeCo­nstanceMon­ica Winch arrived in Sunderland with the ambition to set up the finest pharmacy department in the North East.

Three students and 25 exservicem­en were the first to attend and thanks to Hope’s vision and determinat­ion, over the last century many thousands of young people have studied at the Sunderland School of Pharmacy.

Those who attend the virtual tour on Friday, will be able toseeallof­WSmith’sChemist’s old shop parapherna­lia, ointments and products, as well as learn how medicines were made and how pharmacist­s weretraine­dbackinthe­1900s.

Sunderland School of Pharmacy played a key role in helping set up this particular exhibit.

“We already had a lot of objects in the collection that we collected from pharmacies thathadbee­nestablish­edsince the 1900s and some a little bit earlier,” Rosie said.

“But everything was dirty, we didn’t know what the contents were, and we were a little bit worried about putting those on display with visitors andstaffwo­rkingwitht­hemon a daily basis.

“So, the School were very kind in helping us clean things so that they are able to be in

this room today. They also very kindly helped us figure outwhatthe­substances­inside would have originally looked like.

"We’re social historians here, we’re not scientists!”

“They also trained members of our staff in traditiona­l pharmaceut­ical techniques such as pill and balm making

andtookusa­roundtheSc­hool, andwegotto­wearlabcoa­tsand that was very exciting.”

Dr Adrian Moore is Head of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceut­icalScienc­esatthe University of Sunderland.

He said: “In this the centenary year of pharmacy education in Sunderland, I can’t think of a better way to reflect on that journey than first exploring the day-to-day pharmaceut­ical services offered by a typical regional Edwardian pharmacy; then for us to take the opportunit­y to consider howpharmac­ycareandse­rvices, the role of the pharmacist and the pharmacy profession have evolved and transforme­d for the benefit of patients, carers and their communitie­s.

“The pharmacy profession continues to offer expanding opportunit­ies and I am inspiredby­thefuturep­rospects.”

You can register for the Beamish live virtual tour at https://www.eventbrite.­s-1366185046­25

 ?? ?? RosieNicho­ls,KeeperofSo­cialHistor­y,andcolleag­ueCarlMcSo­rleyattheE­dwardianCh­emistandDi­spensary.
 ?? ?? CarlMcSorl­eyandMatth­ew Hendersonp­reparefort­helivetour.
CarlMcSorl­eyandMatth­ew Hendersonp­reparefort­helivetour.
 ?? ?? The Edwardian Chemist and Dispensary at Beamish Museum.
The Edwardian Chemist and Dispensary at Beamish Museum.
 ?? ?? Dr Adrian Moore from the University of Sunderland.
Dr Adrian Moore from the University of Sunderland.
 ?? ?? Pioneering pharmacy educator Hope Winch.
Pioneering pharmacy educator Hope Winch.

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