Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Sunderland MP wants “Christmas jabs guarantee” for schoolchil­dren. She is also calling for children to have access to walk-in clinics

Denise Craig: Why should we listen to her, she doesn't listen to us.

Denise Ball: Leave the kids alone, not a hope in hell of any of my family getting jabs.

Brian Farrell: Following the Science! Until it doesn’t fit their narrative!

Sue Parkin: I had two jabs still got covid, got taken to hospital and had the booster but will not let my young grandkids get it, they even want five and six years olds to get the jab.

Annaliese Robson: I got my jabs, done nothing for me, not getting booster and as for my kids, think again.

John Redman: She will be wanting kids to have the vote next.

Heather Embleton: Why don't you call for walk in clinics to just be walk in clinics again or for GPs to start seeing patients again. This would be much more valuable to our kids.

Charles Brown: All MPs want to start to practice what they preach first before trying to tell the rest of us.

June Lamb: I contracted Covid after three jabs but had no symptoms other than those of a slight cold and would never have known I had it if I hadn't tested positive after being in contact with an eight yr old who caught it at school. We know the jabs are not 100% effective in preventing infection but they do reduce the severity of symptoms and have saved a lot of lives.

Lesley Pearson: How about walk In clinics for our children to actually be seen when poorly not fobbed off with phone consultati­ons when they should be seen In person!

Kelly Smith: My child will not be getting them.

Jaimie Leadbitter: Dont think so.

Collin Raine: And yet the people of Sunderland keep voting her in!

Marc Boyce: No reason whatsoever to inject children.

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