Sunderland Echo

Online voices



All cars could be fitted with tracking devices which monitor where and when they are driven as part of huge changes to how vehicles are taxed.

Jay Hann: Once everything is electric road tax will be scrapped you will be charged by the mileage you do and they will be able to stop your car anywhere like a smart meter.

Sue Jenkins: Does that mean road users like cyclists, who now have priority, will be fitted too, no you were warned two years ago what was coming, this is just another big brother moment.

Les Waller: Hardly fair if you have to use your car for work in another town. Loads of miles and none of them for luxury.

Stuart Bennett: But who is going to pay for them to be fitted?

Briana Wilson: Are they going to do this to bikes also?

Terry Hegarty: Totally unnecessar­y. Already taxed according to mileage via the fuel put in the car or the electric used to charge the vehicle.

Paul Taylor: I'd like to seem them try and make people retro-fit that to their cars, there is strength in unity, mass resistance to this, they can't jail everyone!

Lee Terry: Taxing working people even more then?

Jamie Fulton: They would tax you on breathing if there was a way for them to get away with it.

Ian Ball: They can do one if they think I'm fitting anything to my car to be tracked. Next they'll cut the police back again and start issuing tickets based on the informatio­n from the black box.

Rob Tate: Most stupidest idea ever. There is no point at all in this.

Ian Gardner: If you drive more, you use more fuel, therefore you pay more tax at the pump, this is just another ruse to rip you off even more.

Antony Smith: Not a chance are they fitting anything to my vehicle, the government gets enough as it is now.

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