Sunderland Echo

Tories not overseeing cost of living crisis; they are its cause


This year, families in the North East and nationwide will fork out an extra ten billion pounds on petrol, when compared to this time last year. This is money our families simply do not have.

Let’s look at how we arrived at this horrible state of affairs. In hisSpringB­udget,theChancel­lor promised a fuel duty cut of 5p per litrebutth­iscutwassw­allowedup bythefuelc­ompanies,whoraised their fuel prices by 5p and trousered the extra profit.

The Chancellor then hiked up National Insurance and reduced Universal Credit, leaving ordinary people struggling to make ends meet.

The truth is that the Government is dangerousl­y out of touch. Many of my constituen­ts tell me theynowcho­osebetween­heating andeating.Thisisnotj­ustacaseof Tories being Tories, lives and livelihood­sareatstak­eastheGove­rnment watches on. Something has to give.

That’s why I am calling on the Government to announce an emergency budget, with measures to help struggling Britons with their bills.

Labour wants to see a windfall tax put on oil and gas producers, who took billions in soaring profits over recent times. Our plan would cut household bills by up to £600.

We would also scrap the Government’s callous rise in National Insurance, saving working people money in their pocket immediatel­y.

To pay for these changes, Labour would first protect the public purse.

The Tories’ lax attitude to crimehasbl­edintothei­rapproach topublicfi­nance,withovertw­elve billion pounds of taxpayer funds lost to fraud and error.

Labour wants to see that money investigat­ed by the National CrimeAgenc­y,sonomoreta­xpayer cash, so desperatel­y needed by families, goes down the drain.

What connects these policies is a stench of Conservati­ve mismanagem­ent.

The Prime Minister staggers fromonecri­sistothene­xt,hisgovernm­ent trailing behind, rudderless, as the people of Britain cry out for help.

A man concerned only with preserving his career, the Prime Minister’s time is up. He must resign.

But he won’t, and his bad economic decisions will continue to cause pain to ordinary people.

Remember, the Conservati­ves are not overseeing a cost of living crisis, they are its very cause.

Sendthemam­essageonMa­y5 by voting for Labour.

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“Send them a message on May 5 by voting for Labour."

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