Sunderland Echo

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Brits travelling to Spain now face limits on how much they can drink in a crackdown on drunken behaviour.

Kathy Stewart: Well good luck with trying to stop the behaviour! The drunken behaviour goes on in the UK and nothing stops them getting alcohol from somewhere and drinking to excess!

Timothy Edwards:

Ah well I’m sure they’ll just go somewhere else where they can get absolutely mortal for cheap as chips.

Catherine Mcmillan: What a terrible reputation to have!

Christophe­r Pallas: Spoke to Jet2 and was informed that if you book a holiday in the affected resort you would have to agree to accept the six drink per day rule before you finalise the holiday.

Ian Craggs: Brits!!! Do people from other countries not drink??

David Griffiths: Yes, but it's always the Brits that don't know when to stop.

Pauline Turnock Jukes: It’s already in place in some hotels all inclusive is three drinks with lunch and three drinks with evening meal.

Tony Bainbridge: So just pay for your drinks.

Chelle Galloway: They are going to lose a hell of a lot of money and British tourists!

David Wheelhouse: How will they enforce that?

Andrew Ward: What’s the point in going there now.

Peter Smart: Good the disgrace the locals in Balearic islands have to suffer from drunks and how much damage they cause and keep things like the hospitals full so they don't have access themselves.

Sarah Fishburn: It's true in all inclusive resorts my aunty has just been and they weren't told before they went that they could only have nine drinks per day.

Thomas Richardson: I think it is a really good idea to have a booze crackdown, I don’t know how people can drink during the day in a hot country anyway.

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