Sunderland Echo

Modern-day Robin Hood


I visited a stately house recently and was over-awed by the scale of the building.

Not only that, the size of the land was huge; enough to build a small town upon its hundreds of acres.

Yet all this wealth belonged to just one family.

Still that was the past and things have changed - or have they?

Today we still have so much wealth and power in the hands of a relatively few people.

They live a remarkably affluent life while so many others in this country of ours have to scrimp (who can save) to make ends meet.

And that’s before the cost of living crisis hits; predicted to force even more of us to cut down on heating and eating and forego so many of the things that we have become accustomed to – that those in other countries will still enjoy while we will have to do without.

Whatever happened to the dreams of the working classes – they didn’t want to become the lord and ladies of the manor – they simply wanted to share in the wealth washing through the stately homes that they helped finance?

Whatever happened to the hopes of the men who returned from the trenches and the promise of a land fit for heroes?

This country is a shambles, lack of funds for this and that; services failing and worst to come.

Yet there is money aplenty, but not within the reach of the majority.

The Government has promised a levelling up; let’s start by taking from the rich and giving to the poorer, aka a modern-day Robin Hood.

Do you remember when you were at school you were taught to “share and share alike” – it is a lesson well worth repeating.

Name and address supplied.

“The impact that this will have on their outcomes and opportunit­ies later in life.”

 ?? ?? “Concerns about the disruption their child has faced to schooling.”
“Concerns about the disruption their child has faced to schooling.”

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