Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Fly tippers dump bags of waste at Cox Green beauty spot. People are blaming the council for charging so much to collect rubbish.

Eileen Cassley: You can't always blame the council for people dumping their rubbish. We do have waste disposal area that can be used for free. They must have used a van to get it there so why not go to the tip.

Kevin Barker: Don’t blame the council for the charges blame the people who dumped the rubbish, they didn’t carry this there on their backs, they drove there in a van. If they have a van they know where the tips are.

Margo Lax: Untidy, selfish people dumping their junk, coupled with council charges – result – piles of rubbish everywhere. It’s no the wonder that we have one of the highest population of rats in the country.

Jackie Brannigan: If the council didn't charge then there would be less fly tipping. It must cost more for them to clear it all up afterwards.

Maurice Allen: Problem is if it’s building materials they presume you’re commercial, so even if it’s a result of DIY they charge a fortune.

Marshall Normington: This has been going on for years, people have no respect. I've caught people tipping who could have taken their rubbish to a civic amenity site.

Jim Tansey: It's not the council’s fault. It's just people who have no respect for other people or the environmen­t.

Anne Lawson: Actually, the only people to blame are the fly tippers.

Patrick James: Blame the council? You can take it down the tip for free.

Keith Elliott: Cannot blame the council for the behaviour of these mindless morons.

Suzi Blair: I don’t think it’s the councils charging which has caused this. If they can drive to fly tip they could also drive to the council tips.

Ash Jay: £10 is reasonable to be honest. I think the fly tipping fines need to be high enough to put people off dumping rubbish, disgusting that people even do this!

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