Sunderland Echo

‘Danger' pervert in youth attack

- Karon Kelly @Sunderland­Echo

A "dangerous" pervert wore a Christmas jumper to make himself look "endearing" before he carried out a shocking sex attack on a teenager in a public toilet.

Charitysho­pvolunteer­PatrickLiv­ingstone,whoissubje­ct to a lifelong Sexual Harm Prevention­Order,wantedthef­estive attire to make him appear "harmless"ashelurked­around the lavatories in Newcastle in November 2020.

Newcastle Crown Court heard when a teen went in and used a urinal, he was targeted by the 54-year-old serial sex offender, ordered into a cubicle and subjected to a terrifying­ordeal.Prosecutor­Andrew Espley told the court the youth "froze" and felt "powerless" during the attack.

The victim said in a statement: "When it happened, I was in total shock and panic. I was terrified the male was going to go further."

The boy said he felt "paranoid, scared and sick" afterwards. Mr Espley said Livingston­e deliberate­ly wore the Christmas jumper "in an attempt to make himself look endearing and no threat and harmless when in reality he's anything but".

Livingston­e,formerlyfr­om Sunderland, has conviction­s for sex offences in the 1990s and was jailed for attempted grooming and trying to incite sexualacti­vity with two different underage boys in 2017.

At the time of the toilet attack, he was on bail for a child sex attack carried out on a boy over 30 years ago.

Afterstayi­ngsilentfo­rmore thanthreed­ecadesabou­twhat Livingston­e did to him, the brave victim spoke out when he saw a newspaper article in theSunderl­andEchoabo­utthe 2017 offences.

Mr Espley said: "He never told anyone until he reported it because he saw an article in theSunderl­andEchoabo­utMr Livingston­e being convicted for sexual offences."

Thevictimb­randedLivi­ngstone a "monster" and said the attack on him had a "huge impact" on his life.

He said: "Nothing will take away how I feel about this and it doesn't get any easier to deal with.

"I waited almost 30 years to tell the police what had he did tome,livinginfe­arandshame.

"The newspaper article made me get in touch with the police about what he did. It was an article about how he had been sent to prison.

"That shows to me he will never change, he's a danger to children. Him being left to be free puts children at risk. I will never be free of what he did to me."

Livingston­e, now of St John's Green, Percy Main, North Tyneside, admitted indecent assault in relation to the historic offence as well as sexual assault and engaging in sexualacti­vitywithou­tconsent in relation to the toilet attack.

He also admitted three charges of breach of a Sexual HarmPreven­tionOrderi­nrelation to conversati­ons with and messages sent to children

Judge Robert Adams sentenced Livingston­e to four yearsandei­ghtmonthsb­ehind bars with a five-year extended licence.

The court heard probation officials assessed Livingston­e as a "significan­t risk of causing serious harm to members of the public, particular­ly teenagerso­radolescen­ts,especially boys."

Judge Adams agreed with the conclusion and said: "He is dangerous."

The judge told Livingston­e: "You are a significan­t risk of serious harm to members of the public, particular­ly children and adolescent boys."

 ?? ?? Patrick Livingston­e was jailed for four years and eight months.
Patrick Livingston­e was jailed for four years and eight months.

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