Sunderland Echo

Online voices



The story suggesting that it could be the first ever strike in England and Wales by members of the Royal College of Nursing has generated a lot of online comments. Here are more of your view.

Claire Barker:

It's a shame its taken them so long for nurses to get to this point and wake up, they should have taken strike action years ago and the police and fire services the government has underfunde­d them for years.

Ricky Usher: Should be domestics not just nurses keeping hospitals clean they should follow with them all.

Thomas Corkhill:

Nurses work hard, they go through years of training and they deserve a decent wage, which I believe they get, have you ever seen a nurse, train driver or postman using a foodbank? and I hope they never have to, unlike millions of lower paid workers.

Allan Crago: I’m sure many nurses have been forced to use food banks. Only the higher qualified nurses get a decent wage.

Che Thornton: I work in hospitals up and down the country and have spoken to lots of nurses who have been forced to use food banks. Particular­ly those who live in London.

Sean Mcevoy: Definitely they get the poor end of the stick from the government. Strike for sure.

Gary Duncan: Solidarity to all striking workers. It’s the only way to stop the billionair­es and their Tory puppets.

Ian Hammond: Think a lot of people will be joining them, this Government has lost control of the economy and seem to be clueless on how to fix it!

Dan Yarnell: Funny... this was said as a warning about Corbyn.

Jon Crosby: I agree with it but who’s gonna save people?

Chloé Leigh Peart: People won’t be saved.

Douglas Watson: RCN is the most inept union ever to exist. A one watt light bulb has more power.

John Reay: A union is only as strong as its members!

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